

The skin is alive and renews itself constantly. The tempo of this
process depends on the person's age. It is estimated that in a
young person approximately eight million new cells are being
processed daily. This production graduany declines with the
passing years, bringing functional interruptions of the skin tissues
and lack 01 activity 01 the oil glands, whereby the skin loses
moisture and, with it, elasticity. We then have what we might term
"Decline of Youth" In the skin. The aging process of a skin with its
withering and flabbiness, cracks, lines and sagginess, is mostly
due to lack of moisture.


Beauty of the skin and its lasting qualiUes depend on its
moisture content. A child's skin does not affect lines from squinting,
laughing or frowning, because a moist skin simply cannot crease.
as does a dry skin, and the drier the skin, the deeper the lines.
Extensive dryness may act so destructively on a skin, it will
actually cause cracks in the skin tissues. Clearly, the aging
process of the skin, with its unattractive listlessness and lines, is
caused by lack of moisture. The dtying process has not just
started when it first becomes visible, as one might reasonably
suppose; far more likely, it started at the end of adolescence, with
the exception of the o~y skin types. How many youngsters etch
their craw's feet wh~e skiing on snow or water, or while otherwise
playing outdoors? Such lines are a sign that valuable moisture
in this partictjar skin area has escaped. Drying of the facial skin
always starts on the sides (craw's feet area) ... and the very last
part to wrinkle is the nose, since the oil glands at the center of the
face are more abundant.